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Tag: Defence & Foreign Affairs

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“We will never forget you brave sons of Canada”

In September 2021, the Consulate General of Canada in Detroit was given a plaque by a relative of a former member of the U.S. Army stationed in South Korea which honoured the Canadian Fallen of the Korean War. An inscription states, “We will never forget you brave sons of Canada” to commemorate Canadians who fell […]

November 10, 2022

New Canadian Defence Attaché to the United States: Major-General Michel-Henri St-Louis

During a ceremony at the Embassy of Canada on July 13, Major-General Michel-Henri St-Louis became the new Canadian Defence Attaché to the United States, replacing Captain (Navy) William Quinn. Captain (Navy) Quinn was acting in the role since March following the retirement of Major-General Paul Ormsby.  The Canadian Defence Attaché advises Ambassador Kirsten Hillman on […]

July 27, 2022

Canada and the U.S. Working Together to Keep North America Safe

As 2021 comes to a close and we take stock of the Canada-U.S. relationship, we are reminded that our friendship, partnership, and alliance remain grounded in the people to people connections and our shared experiences.  We have each other’s backs in the darkest of times.  We listen and have frank conversations about complicated issues, always […]

December 27, 2021

Canada Remembers: Remembrance Day 2021 at the Embassy of Canada

Kirsten Hillman, Canada’s Ambassador to the United States, and Major-General Paul Ormsby, Canadian Defence Attaché, hosted a Remembrance Day ceremony at the Embassy of Canada on November 11, 2021. Embassy staff joined members of Canadian Defence Liaison Staff (Washington) at the rotunda to honour and remember those who served and continue to serve Canada during times of war, […]

November 16, 2021

Protecting the North American Electric Grid

Just as we are all finding ourselves spending more time online during this global pandemic, the North American electric grid has seen increased digitalization, making it more susceptible than ever to attack. Utility companies are now reporting over three million cyber attacks each and every day. The security of our electric grid — upon which […]

August 24, 2020

Operation NANOOK – Allies Training Together

Members of the Canadian Armed Forces and their partners from the United States, Denmark, and France are conducting a series of training activities in the Arctic. Operation NANOOK is the Canadian Armed Forces’ signature northern operation, which is designed to enhance security in the region. During this year’s operation, participants also maintain a maritime presence, […]

August 14, 2020

Looking North: Canada’s Approach to the Arctic

Martin Loken, Minister of Political Affairs at the Embassy of Canada, participated in the Atlantic Council’s “Looking North: Conference on Security in the Arctic,” organized with the Norwegian Ministry of Defence and the Royal Norwegian Embassy. As part of a panel discussion on “Evolving Security: Understanding Allied Perspectives on the Arctic,” Martin explained Canada continues […]

February 12, 2020

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