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Cheers to 50 Years: Canada Marks a Milestone in the Upper Midwest

Half-century anniversaries are always major milestones, and the Consulate General of Canada in Minneapolis, Minnesota is proudly celebrating its 50th year in the Upper Midwest in 2020. The year marks a historic high point for Canada’s official diplomatic presence in Minnesota. In 1970, Canada opened the doors to its Minneapolis office, and what is now […]

July 22, 2020

Canadian Innovation in the Oil and Gas Sector

The energy sector is at the heart of Canada’s environmental, economic and social agendas. Through hard work, ingenuity and collaboration, Canada is positioning itself as a leader in a world that is increasingly looking for the most sustainably sourced products. In collaboration with industry and provincial partners, the Government of Canada and Invest in Canada […]

July 20, 2020

Stocked Shelves During COVID-19? Thank A Trucker

The next time you pass a semi-trailer on the interstate, notice the license plates. Chances are it’s a Canadian trucker delivering food products and toilet paper to your local grocery store or needed manufacturing inputs to a plant in your area (because the U.S. and Canada have always made things together).  Or maybe it’s a […]

July 10, 2020

Canada Day Message from Ambassador Kirsten Hillman

Bonjour à tous et joyeuse fête du Canada, de Washington. En temps normal, je vous parlerais de notre célébration ici à l’ambassade où nous nous rejoignons avec nos amis, de la musique et des bonnes choses à manger. I remember last year vividly. We had Cassie and Maggie visiting us from Nova Scotia, playing some […]

July 1, 2020

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